Friday, July 4, 2014

Style My Brow Eye Brow Pencil { Review }


what is your fave eyebrow product?

I will share mine as well here, I've been using it for the past 2 month.

read more? Oh please do.. <3

Well you can say Eyebrow is a big must for me 

I can't imagine go out the house without using eyebrow, err...

I can imagine how awkward and strange expression on people face if they see me without an eyebrow...

sadly but true, from middle to end my eyebrow grow a bit thinner than the front one. *cry-over*

I have tried so many eyebrow pencil from cheap to expensive one, but hey! it's eyebrow pencil and I use it daily, I think I spent too much for eyebrow pencil if the cost 300k lol!

 and even the famous eyebrow pencil in my Country, Viva..
to be honest I don't really like it, because viva is wayyy to reddish for brown shade.

so finally I found this cutie <3

First, I'm just bought one shade, then I'm in love with this eyebrow pencil. and look what I've done LOL

I collect the other shade <3

This eyebrow pencil is Style My brow from THE FACE SHOP

and here is the shade I bought
 for myself I'm currently using number 02 which is Black brown.

Okay, here you go. I swatch the color on my wrist so you can see better
01. Grey Brown
02. Black Brown
03. Brown         

 I love them so muchhh <3 
Nice color, stay in place quite nicely for about 8 hours more

This eyebrow pencil is less contain red shade 
which I loveee so much, the pencil is quite soft yet stay in place nicely.
I tried to rub it off but it won't vanish so easily.
You need to clean it with makeup remover.

I always mix this eyebrow pencil with my HG eyebrow powder by NYX
my shade is dark brown.

So far I still  didn't found it. This eyebrow pencil is perfect for soft and natural looking brow

You know, I took these picture with eyebrow pencil that I use daily, 
so you know why it look so short, haha

The bad news is, this eyebrow pencil is not available in THE FACE SHOP store in Indonesia

I too, wonder why..

I bought mine personally from Mirielle Beauté on facebook
only for IDR 35.000,- 

My! I know it's cheap right!!!
Trolololl, that's also the reason I bought so many <3 <3  

What's your favorite eyebrow pencil?

Lemme know <3



  1. ihhh lucu bangeett desainnya ci xD ci yen makin flawess hihi

    ♥ Pinastika Beauty Blog ♥

    1. Thank you dewii, iya back to basic ini designnya hehe.
      Aslinya ada flek juga tapi ga sbrp kelihatan ke tutup makeup hehe.

  2. ayune rek.. sama yen, aku ya lebih suka pake pensil, lebih cepet dan natural.
    itu kamu pake blush ma lipstick apa yen? keliatan fresh and younger loh kamu. :D

    1. thank you sheilaaa <3
      blush on nya blush biasa aja say, yg biasanya aku pake daily, wet n wild. klo buat lipsnya NYX matte lipstick sayang :*

  3. Replies
    1. Lumayan sih day :D tergantung cara pemakaian pokoknya kalau di gosok ulang ulang dengan keras ya pudar ^^/
      klo mau bener2 waterproof gel brow bisa buat pilihan <3

  4. Halo salam kenal ce ^^. Cantik sekali alisnya, aku juga suka the face shop tapi sekarang untuk brow aku lebih milih pake mascara dari tbs warna coklat. Iya viva aga kemerahan coklatnya ^^. tks for sharing ce ^^ mind to followback ? ^^

    1. Iya sayang, salam kenal juga.
      TBS aku pernah coba juga yang item tapi, suka juga sih TBS tapi terakhir ini kosong di mana2 pencil alisnya say
      udah fol back yaa ^^ aku agak bingung klo pake gfc lama

  5. Yen, beda bgt c skrg, tmbah cantik pke bangeetttttt....mau tuh d ajarin dandan'y

  6. Halo ce, beuty you n beauty blog. Thanks for the review btw, helps me a lot hehe btw, yg black jg agak lbh dark brown gitu ya kalo aku liat waktu di gbr yg tangan cece? Aku mau pake brown tp takut terlalu terang dan jd ga cocok gt

    1. Halo dear, Black Brown cukupan kok pasti. kalau kamu berani lbh terangan dikit boleh coba yang brown.
