After long holiday, and maybe a long trip
It's truly good to give yourself a little treat before back to usual routine
I myself, would choose Spa before back in work mode.
So, a week ago I've had a chance to experience Gaya Spa
Providing many wellness and health programmes into one holistic yet multidisciplinary concept.
Every year, they always seek for and develop the newest techniques from various resources. At the moment They also consulting to Ministry of Tourism on Indonesia Ethno Spas.
As we know Indonesian have many region and also culture which make us unique.
Gaya Spa gather all about the beauty and differences of the culture and implements this on their Spa and Welness style
when thinking about spa, people only know about Thai Spa, Sweddish Massage,
and when it come to Indonesia we can only tell about Balinese Spa!
when we have so much more...
First, Make sure you make a reservation before you came.
Gaya Spa
located at Widjaja Asthma Centre Clinic
Jl. Dharmahusada Indah Timur No. 7 (V-302), Surabaya
I came to meet Patty,
she is the one who invited me to came and try for Ethno Spa and Wellness here, lucky me!

This considered as a waiting room, but before to get here you need to take an elevator to reach 3rd floor to reach Gaya Spa waiting room.
Is they provide hair treatment or saloon too?
Well, I'm not really sure, but if they provide it I believe they will ready soon too.
I came and sit down with Patty, she calmy explain about the treatment and Wellness that Gaya Spa provide.
Like I said before, we only know Balinese Spa when it came to Indonesian Spa and Wellness, when we have so much more..
you maybe just like really??? o_O
yes, yes...
Here is some of Gaya Spa & Wellness Package :
- Gaya So'oso Madura ( from Madura )
- Gaya Batangeh Minang ( from Sumatra )
- Gaya Bakera Minahasa ( from Sulawesi )
- Gaya Martup Batak ( from Batak )
- Gaya Tangas Betawi ( from Betawi )
- Gaya Batimung Banjar ( from Kalimantan )
- Gaya Lulur Java ( from Jawa)
- Gaya Boreh Bali ( from Bali )
and still much more..
Woah, that's really a lotsss!!
after small talk and consultation with Patty, she recommend me to try So'oso Madura
(picture from @Gayaspajakarta)
This is the best combination for relaxation and skin beauty care.
with typical herbs traditional of Madura's tribe, the body will feel more refresh and fit and the skin look more clean and beautiful
with typical herbs traditional of Madura's tribe, the body will feel more refresh and fit and the skin look more clean and beautiful
I actually eyeing for Gaya Martup Batak because it's so unique,
but for this wellness the main point is the steam. And because the steam in Gaya Spa is still under maintenance, we skipped this treatment.
and for So'oso Madura
the main point for the treatment is their 'scrub' or lulur
For the room, Gaya Spa available with 4 room for now.
1 Couple Room and 3 Single Room
Couple Room
Perfect for Couple treatment or Mommy and daugther just like Me and Mom always do.
yes, I love to take couple room when I have Spa with mommy,
I won't seperate event a second! haha.
Also if you came with your BFF this could be a good option
standard for Spa amenities that you will get here,
paper panties, haircap, and also a jewelry box to keep your jewelry safe and clean during treatment.
and oh , yes.. a bath robe for change ;)
each room also provided with bathroom.
this slipper also provided
To avoid your feet get dirty at the treatment and also more relaxed
This is the look of the single room
So if you're a person who doesn't like to share a room, this single room might be perfect for you.
So you can enjoy treatment peacefully.
Let's begin the treatment,
So'oso Madura itself take time about one to one hour and half for the treatment.
and Patty suggested me to get face massage which is take about 30 minutes.
First I get my feet washed and with Lemongrass oil for antiseptic and removed dead skin cell.
First step, I get massage all over my body
the massage skill it's just soo good. I've been trying and jump to many Spa's before but Gaya Spa has their own original style that I haven't met before. I really enjoy the massage session.
after done with massage session, we move forward to scrub or lulur madura.
the scrub scents itself very rich with tradional herbs.
Scrub is a great way to keep your skin healthy and beautiful through exfoliation,
that's why Madura tribe create this kind of scrub.
I feel more relaxed..
after done with this session, the therapist wake me up to take a bath.
while she prepared the room for the face massage.
Face Massage
Face massage have several benefit like slow down ageing,
rejuvenate your skin and make it better.
Improving blood circulation, also replenishes the skin's elasticity.
Like other face massage they need to clean my makeup first and then massage my face,
also press several point on my face.
the second step is face scrub
and face mask for the closing
they leave it about 10 minutes, while I'm sleeping
If you're looking for Spa and treatment you should try Gaya Spa too
Gaya Spa also available in
Jl. Wolter Wonginsidi no 25,
Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan. 12180 Indonesia
Cabang Gaya Spa Jakarta selain Jl Woltermonginsidi;
ITC Permata Hijau Blok Savire Level 4
Jl Arteri Permata Hijau
Jl Kyai Maja no 43 Jakarta Selatan
Bandung ( Mercure Hotel )
Bali ( Inaya Hotel )
Widjaja Asthma Centre Clinic
Jl. Dharmahusada Indah Timur No. 7 (V-302), Surabaya
Thank you Patty for the Invitation, and Gaya Spa for Having me
Visit their Facebook
Happy Weeekend!
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